Grit Salt Suppliers

Commonly used on roads, grit salt (or road grit) is heavily depended on, in winter. As one of the UK's premier suppliers of gritting salt products, we do not add any sand or other products to our salt, do not be mislead by lower grade, inferior products from other suppliers that contain large quantities of cheap sand / aggregate used to dilute the salt content, this process does nothing to improve the product.
Where can i buy Grit Salt?
You can now buy Grit Salt online, instead of being stuck with the (potentially) lower quality local grit salt.
We use a small and simple product catalogue, so any and all confusion is taken out of the equation, when it comes to buying grit salt. We aren’t the only suppliers of Grit Salt on the Internet, there are dozens, however, we have established ourselves as a reputable brand, with near 10 years of experience. Continue to read on for more helpful tips related to Grit Salt.
How do you store Grit Salt?
The unfortunate thing with Grit Salt is that people often ‘borrow’ a good bunch. A good way to counter this, is to store your newly bought Grit Salt in the a lockable grit bin. They’re really handy and will (most likely) save you more in the long run. If you don’t want to have a lockable bin, or it’s out of the question then you can store them in a shed / near to the house.
Spreading your grit salt is easy, but it is worth taking into consideration the size of the area you’re going to de-ice. If you’re going to de-ice the patio then go for a small shovel to spread it. However, if you’re going to need to de-ice a larger area like a driveway or carpark, consider a heavy duty salt spreader to ensure even coverage. This way you will save more, and use the product more effectively.
Bulk & Trade Grit Salt Suppliers
Looking for a supplier for several different sites, this Winter. No problem! E-mail us with the sites you would like deliveries to, and we will give you our best trade quote.
What Pack Sizes are Grit Salt sold in?
We supply Grit Salt in 25kg Bags, Bulk Bags and Loose. Both the 25kg Bags and Bulk Bags of Grit Salt are delivered using an 18 Tonne Curtain Sided Vehicle that uses a Manual Pallet Truck and a tail lift. We don’t deliver using a crane / hi-ab (this is worth factoring in, pre-purchase). If you need help deciding, simply contact us!